I found out that the essay was kind of long to finish it in 5mins.
I corrected some expressions, and erased some unnecessary sentences.
always preferred handwritten letter than e-mail. The feeling of the paper, the
alphabets in all different forms fascinated me. I believe sending the
handwritten letter means not only sending the news, but also sending yourself
and most importantly, your time. I have the precious experience which started
from sending time.
I joined
the first camp when I was 10 years old. It was then that I made the first
friend from the different city, and one of my best friends. She and I were like
the magnet during the camp. She had a lot of energy, which was actually aberrant
for a small girl like her. She was even smaller than me, and now you can guess
how small she was. We actively participated in every single activity. Foolish
songs were made, endless talks were done, and unadulterated happiness was
enjoyed. After 3 days of camp, we exchanged the home address, and promised to
send letter to each other.
after the camp, we started to send our time to each other. We talked about the
camp, our trivia, and some issues. We waited for reply every week, and it
became habit for both of us. I still have those colorful envelopes back at
home. However, when we were 12 years old, she moved the Gwangju, my hometown,
and the time stopped being sent. I didn’t know the new address of her, and she
lost the envelope with my address. The precious 2 years slowly faded away.
At the
end of my 1st year in the Unri middle school, I met her again. Now,
it is necessary to mention that I maintained the 1st place at the
school except the 3rd exam of my 1st year. Someone stole
my precious title of 1st, and immature jealousy, negative emotion burgeoned
toward that unknown student in class 10. Few weeks after the exam, I got a
letter in familiar handwritings. It was from that girl 2 years ago, saying that
she had found the envelope. I was so happy because I encountered the part of
memory. Nothing, even her handwriting or writing style, in the letter changed. And
the letter said, “Hey! I got the highest score in the exam of Unri middle
school! Hurray! By the way, I wonder which school you go.” As you can guess, the
sender of the letter which I desperately waited for was that unknown girl.